NP Retail from NaviPartner

NP Retail is a fully featured, completely integrated with Business Central Point of Sale solution. It is hardware agnostic which means it will work on any PC, iOS, or Android device as long as they meet minimum requirements. If the customer needs hardware, we can supply that as well.
Because it is integrated with Business Central, product and pricing information is available at the POS. Customer specific pricing in Business Central is used at the POS.
Numerous payment options are available including invoice, credit card, vouchers and loyalty points. Additional discounting functionality is available.
What it does for you
Customer specific pricing
Because NP Retail is built on Business Central, all the customer specific pricing setup in Business Central is now available at the POS. This makes it ideal for wholesalers trade counters.
Real-time inventory data
Because NP Retail is built on Business Central, inventory information is available at the POS. No need to synchronise product information and stock levels.
Multiple payment options
Go beyond the normal payment options of cash or card. NP Retail offers payment by invoice for account customers as well as vouchers and loyalty points.
Transaction analytics
NP Retail comes with a number of “out of the box” reports so you can easily track how your business is going – POS by POS, store by store.
Integrated with Business Central
Integrated business systems make sense. NP Retail is built on Business Central. It is available on AppSource. No need for database synchronisation or integrations. Simplify your business with one source of truth.
Problems it solves
· Manual effort to keep disparate software solutions up to date
· Errors caused from using out of date information when selling
For a free consultation to see NP Retail is a good fit for your company, contact Carrot Solutions.