Visual Planning for Production from AXtension is much more than just a graphical planning board inside Dynamics 365 and AX. It is 100% integrated with Dynamics 365 and AX so that the process is enhanced rather than completely changed resulting in quick adoption by users. Because of this integration, it is a complete scheduling tool showing material availability and resource capacity in Gantt and Histogram views. It is a tool that will put you back in control of your production scheduling letting you know when tasks are completed and enabling “drag and drop” rescheduling.
Visual Planning for Production from AXtension is equally applicable for discrete and process production. It’s sister solution is Visual Planning for Projects so that projects can be visually scheduled and related production orders shown.
What it does for you
- Improve your production scheduling
- Improve production efficiency
- Improve your customer service
- Put you back in control of your production processes
Visual Planning for Production from AXtension will put your production planning team back in control of your production scheduling. Whether it’s at master planning or production planning stage, users get a visual view of the entire process.
Visual Planning for Production from AXtension allows you to plan production orders and batch orders in one view. It enables production planners to perform mass scheduling and rescheduling of planned and firmed production and batch orders for resources and retain insight into their capacities.
Visual Planning gives the production manager insight into the production progress catering for both rough cut capacity checks and detailed scheduling. Visual alerts show non-conformities in the planning.
Problems it solves
- Lack of visibility
- Difficulty in optimising production planning
- Lack of control of production
- Employee dissatisfaction because of poor scheduling functionality